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Ouachita Stories



Uniquely prepared: Appreciating my multifaceted Ouachita education

January 22, 2019

My precious Ouachita — I wish I could put into words how special my four years at Ouachita truly were. It was an exciting time of learning and growing my relationship with the Lord. As I have exited “the bubble” and entered graduate school, I cannot help but be so thankful for all the ways that Ouachita prepared me.


Behind the names: Flippen and Perrin may not be who you think

December 04, 2018

It might be surprising to learn that the residence hall that has housed Ouachita freshman men for the past 10 years does not actually bear the names of two men or even one, but of a lady: Mrs. Jane Conger Flippen Perrin.


About the Ouachita Voices blog


The Ouachita Voices blog is a place for the people of Ouachita to tell the stories of Ouachita. Lend your voice to the conversation. Submit your ideas to [email protected].

Read more about the vision of the blog here. 




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