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Ouachita Stories

Ouachita students hammocking

Top 10 things to do in nature this fall

September 27, 2019

The days are getting shorter, temperatures are beginning to drop and the trees will soon be abundant with brilliant seasonal colors. You got that right, fall is on its way! The season of football, pumpkin-spice and spooky autumn nights. Don’t miss out on all the fun this season by enjoying these 10 activities to do in nature!

Phoebe smiling

Overcommitted and overwhelmed

August 26, 2019

Involvement is good – scratch that – involvement is great, and one of my personal favorite things about Ouachita Baptist University. There is something out there for everyone! My mistake was taking that as, “I am the someone for everything.” Ha, nope.

Ouachita student waves from football stands

TWIRP, Tunes, Dr. Jack? Decoding everyday Ouachita life #askingforafriend

August 13, 2019

We know you have questions about life in general at Ouachita. So, we’ve put together some common questions and answers to give it to you straight. You’ll start-off your freshman year with a few nuggets of knowledge to navigate this new world of Ouachita, complete with it’s own distinct culture and lingo – with no need to ask for your friends.

Jeep roadtrip

Best apps to use during your summer road trip

July 02, 2019

Road trips are the peak of summer adventures with your friends and loved ones. Lucky for you, I consider myself to be an expert of the open road. My road trips have lasted anywhere from two days to three weeks, and I’ve traveled from the west coast to the east coast all while compacted in a vehicle.

Mary Catherine and her cycling group

Breaking the "cycle": Fighting human trafficking on a 1,700-mile bike ride

April 17, 2019

In the spring of 2018, I was training for a 50k. This is a roughly 31-mile run on mountainous trails. The week before this race, I went on a training run with a few friends. We started Friday evening, running well into the night. We were running on Lake Ouachita Vista Trail right outside of Hot Springs. After running 14 out of 20 miles, I found myself alone, in the dark, running down Hickory Nut Mountain.

Students hammocking

Need a break? 8 spontaneous things you should do this spring

March 20, 2019

During the spring semester I always get a restless feeling. It never fails: the days are longer, and I am ready for summer because it feels like my days are filled with classes, work and the occasionally stressful extracurricular activity. I often find it very difficult to just relax.

Students talking

Not rushing? Not in a social club? How you can still enjoy Rush & Induction Weeks.

January 14, 2019

Right after the “most wonderful time of the year” comes what can sometimes feel like the loneliest time of the year. For “indies,” those of us who are not involved in a social club at Ouachita, Rush Week and Induction Week can totally change your normal social interactions because your club friends are so busy. But don’t worry!

Gracie and friends

Why I transferred to Ouachita after one year at a state school

November 27, 2018

What do I want to do with my life? Who will my roommate be? Will it be difficult to make new friends? I remember sitting in my room as a senior in high school haunted by these questions.

Ouachita Letters

Tips for visiting campus: Make the most of your college visit

June 18, 2018

Visiting campus is a huge part of the college selection process. It gives you a glimpse into campus life and allows you to physically see all that the school has to offer. My first campus visit to Ouachita was my deciding factor in choosing to attend school here. It felt like home from the moment I stepped onto campus.

Student and parents at Move In

7 ways parents and students can team up in the college search

November 16, 2017

It may feel like there are so many questions to ask, and you and your student are on two different pages about what to look for in “a good college experience.” Such a big decision may be difficult to talk through for some families, but deciding on the best college for your student should be a family decision that is met with open communication and an understanding of each other’s perspectives.



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