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Summer 2021 Campus Operations

With the conclusion of the academic year and the beginning of summer – and the lack of summer camps, Ouachita has adopted the following adjusted COVID-19 protocols.

  • Masks are no longer required inside Ouachita buildings. Thanks to the work of Dr. Wesley Kluck, Ouachita’s university physician, and local health officials, all Ouachita employees and students have had the opportunity to be vaccinated, and a large percentage have taken advantage of that offer. When interacting with guests to campus, it is considerate to offer to wear a mask according to your guests’ preference or simply to follow their lead.
  • Physical distancing is still encouraged for situations in which not all present have been vaccinated or the vaccination status of those present is unknown.
  • Signage and plexiglass barriers will be removed this week to create a more welcoming campus environment.
  • Portable air filters will remain in place and available to turn on when a room is in use.
  • Employees should continue to monitor their health for symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and wash their hands frequently. Those who have not received a vaccine and are experiencing symptoms should use the CDC self-check screening or check with their doctor before returning to work.
  • Screening is no longer required following international travel.
  • Ouachita’s COVID-19 Testing Center now is housed in the Office of Health Services. Testing is available by appointment only. Contact Kristi Seals at covid@obu.edu to make an appointment or for more information.


What about the fall?

We anticipate a “normal” semester this fall, with classrooms returning to their typical locations and with masks optional throughout campus. Testing and on-campus contact tracing will still be available through the Office of Health Services. Hand sanitizer stations will remain in place and stocked, ventilation systems will continue to be maintained and outdoor seating will continue to be available. A COVID-19 vaccine is strongly encouraged but not required for employees and students. Proof of vaccination will be required to avoid the necessity of quarantine after exposure to the virus or for student-athletes to be excused from pre-competition testing. The Health Monitoring and Action Team will meet in July to reevaluate these tentative plans in light of the COVID-19 environment at that time.


Curious about COVID-19 vaccines?

COVID-19 vaccines are readily available locally and throughout Arkansas. Your primary care physician can answer questions about if the vaccine is a good choice for you, and Dr. Kluck also is available to answer general questions. Learn more about the vaccines online from reputable sources like the CDC. There are several online resources for finding a vaccine provider, includingvaccines.gov, vaccinespotter.org and the Arkansas Department of Health.






If you have a question or concern that isn’t addressed above, complete the following form to submit it for consideration. 


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