Music: B.A. (Worship Studies Concentration)
Church worship pastor/leader
Student ministry worship leader/mentor
Church planter
Song writer
Congregational Worship
Foundations for NextGen Worshipers
Song Writing and Arranging for Worship
Technology and Media for Worship
Worship Administration and Leadership
Senior Worship Project
Worship Practicum (7 semesters)
View the Ouachita catalog for a full course listing with course descriptions.
Students can earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in music while preparing for the field of worship studies with focused vocal, keyboard, guitar and instrumental studies.
View the detailed degree requirements PDF to see all courses included in the program.
Learn more about the School of Performing Arts and the Department of Worship Studies.
Graduation Rate (2020)
150-Hour Internship
Program Emphases
Semesters of Hands-On Practicum
"My time and experience as a worship arts student were invaluable and extremely formative. With complete integrity, I can say I would not be where I am today if not for Ouachita’s worship arts program. In areas such as personal relationships, practicality and theology, I benefit daily from what I learned as a student at Ouachita. The program continues to be a strong and relevant training ground for worship leaders."
Cory Epps, 2013 Bachelor of Arts in music graduate
worship leader, First Baptist Church of Rogers, Ark.

Ministry Training

Immersive Education

Hands-on Experience
We Think You'll Notice a Difference:
We believe in community.
Program Details
- Worship Practicum (7 semesters required, or 1 per semester for transfer students)
- Foundations of Worship Ministry
- Survey of Worship Music
- Foundation for Next Gen Worshipers
- Worship Administration and Leadership
- Technology and Media for Worship
- Song Writing and Arranging for Worship
- Directing for Rhythm Section
- Congregational Worship
- Internship
- Senior Worship Project
- Spiritual Formation
- 6 hours of Christian Ministries courses
- 6 hours from Biblical Studies and Theology courses
- Vocal Diction
- Applied Guitar (2 semesters)
- Principles of Conducting
- Choral Conducting
- Ensembles (each semester of enrollment)
- 2 hours of music electives
- Piano Seminar (each semester of enrollment)
- Applied Guitar (2 semesters)
- Principals of Conducting
- Choral Conducting OR Instrumental Conducting
- Ensembles (each semester of enrollment)
- Guitar Seminar (8 semesters)
- Applied Voice (2 semesters)
- Principles of Conducting
- Choral Conducting or Instrumental Conducting
- Ensembles (each semester of enrollment)
- Concert Choir
- Instrumental Seminar (Applied area, each semester of enrollment)
- Applied Guitar
- Applied Voice (2 semesters)
- Ensembles (each semester of enrollment)
- Concert Choir (2 semesters)
- Principles of Conducting
- Instrumental Conducting
School of Performing Arts
The School of Performing Arts is committed to providing you with an outstanding experience in wonderful facilities with cutting-edge instruments and equipment. We strive for a balance between a Christian education and professional education through a challenging atmosphere of creativity and collaboration. We are dedicated to facilitating critical thinking, the creative process and personal expression by developing and maintaining curricular and performance programming which emphasizes the creative process.
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