Degree Requirements
Ouachita Baptist University's School of Performing Arts, Division of Music, has established
an outstanding reputation in the area of Instrumental music. This document is designed
to answer questions you may have as a Ouachita instrumental major.
Questions regarding its content may be addressed to your teacher, the coordinator
of instrumental studies or the dean of the School of Performing Arts.
The program has been designed to challenge and inspire you to your highest artistic
level and fulfill your needs as aspiring teachers, ministers of music and performers.
Credit in Instrumental Applied Music is arranged as follows:
Private Lessons
- one hour credit = one half-hour of instruction per week
- two hours credit = one hour of instruction per week
- three hours credit = one hour of instruction per week
Course numbers and sequence numbers for Applied Music are available in the School
of Performing Arts office.
MUAP 1070 - Performing Arts Class
Each music degree candidate is required to complete eight semesters of Performing
Arts Class (BME students are exempt during the student-teaching semester). Grades
are based on the student's attendance at Performing Arts Class and approved recitals
and concerts. Students enrolled in principal applied must perform in PAC every semester
after their first semester of study. Students on music scholarships must maintain
a B average in order to retain their scholarship. A statement of attendance requirements
is available in the School of Performing Arts office.
Music Library
All music students have access to the music library, which is located in Mabee Fine Arts Center.
The following degrees are attainable with an Instrumental principal:
- Bachelor of Arts
- Bachelor of Arts in Music Industry
- Bachelor of Music in Performance
- Bachelor of Music in Worship Studies
- Bachelor of Music Education, Instrumental
Degree requirements are listed in the Ouachita Baptist University general catalog.
- Instrumental majors are required to enroll in Piano Secondary.
- Instrumental majors are required to pass the piano proficiency examination.
- Every student enrolled in instrumental principal or secondary applied course numbers must perform before a jury at the end of each semester. Music minors with an instrumental principal must perform before a jury at the end of each semester until their applied requirements are completed. Those students who have successfully passed the senior recital are exempt from the jury.
- Students who continue to study after completing their degree requirements are not required to perform a jury
- The jury consists of the student’s applied teacher and no fewer than two other instrumental teachers.
- The student will choose one selection to be performed and one or two selections will be chosen by the jury panel. Students may not choose repertoire previously performed in PAC.
- Juries will be graded as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory.
- Students receiving an incomplete in instrumental study must perform a jury no later than the end of the third week of classes of the following semester. If the jury is not completed within the first three weeks the incomplete becomes an F.
The potential student recitalist must register for either MUAP 2040, 3040, 4040 Recital
during the semester a public degree recital is given. A pre-recital hearing will
be required two to four weeks before the recital date. The pre-recital hearing panel
will include 3 instrumental faculty members. The recital hearing should include all
material to be performed on the recital. Each member will receive a mock-up of the
recital program. The panel will recommend that the recital be performed as scheduled
or postponed until a later date. RECITAL HEARING EVALUATION FORM
A. Time Requirements
- Bachelor of Music in Performance
- Sophomore Recital - 15 minutes
- Junior Recital - 25 minutes
- Senior Recital - 50 minutes
- Bachelor of Music in Worship Studies
- Senior Recital - 25 minutes
- Bachelor of Music Education, Instrumental
- Senior Recital - 25 minutes
B. Recital Preparation Checklist
- Enroll for the recital course.
- Request and reserve a date on the SOFA calendar. Forms available in the SOFA office.
- Your program format must be approved by the Chair of Applied Music. Sophomore and Junior Recital programs are printed in the SOFA office. A rough draft should be in the office at least two weeks prior to the program.
- Fill out the publicity form for the Public Relations office. This is due three weeks prior to the recital. Forms available in the SOFA office.
- If you are performing a joint recital, coordinate the sequence of the program with the other student.
- Dress - day wear for day recitals, evening wear for evening recitals only.
- Inform the SOFA office in writing of any special stage arrangements you will need.
- If you choose to have a catered reception, arrangements should be made through the Director of Food Services.
- Senior Recitals are recorded for the music library. Extra copies cannot be made for students.
- Sophomore and Junior Recitals can be recorded by arrangement with the SOFA office. The student must provide the CD.
- Make arrangements for ushers to hand out programs.
C. Grading
- Recitals are graded by the Instrumental faculty in attendance.
- Grades are Pass/Fail.
Ouachita is committed to extending access and opportunity to those who are disabled. To request modifications or accommodations due to a disabling condition, or for a copy of the University policy concerning modifications or accommodations for students with disabilities, contact the ADA Coordinator in the Counseling Services Office in Evans Student Center. The Counseling Services telephone number is 245-5591.