Writing Resources
An accurate and reliable source for APA, MLA, and Chicago formatting styles. This link above will take you to the new Purdue OWL, revised July 2018. Watch this video that details how to navigate Purdue OWL.
If you’ve ever wondered why, for example, you use MLA format in your Composition I class but APA in your education classes, check out this quick explanation about various citations styles.
APA updated their style guide to the 7th edition in 2019, and here are our favorite Purdue OWL videos about these important changes:
MLA updated their style guide to the 9th edition in April 2021. Here is a brief synopsis of the changes.
Purdue OWL does not yet have videos for the new edition, so please check back here for updates. In the meantime, please enjoy our favorite helpful Purdue OWL videos about citing in MLA 8th edition:
If your professor wants you to use the Chicago Manual of Style, find the newest updates for the 17th edition here on Purdue OWL.
Do note that Purdue OWL’s resources reflect the most recent 17th edition updates,
but you can also review a full list of those updates at The Chicago Manual of Style Online.
How to Set Up a Research Paper in Chicago Format
This 5-minute video explains how to format a document in Chicago 17th ed. and add citations with Word’s citation
AMA Formatting for Nutrition and Dietetics Courses
Here you'll find a PDF of the AMA Style Guide.
UNC Chapel Hill Writing Center
Literary Present Tense from Vanderbilt’s Writing Studio
Are you unsure exactly what literary present tense means or when and how to incorporate it into your essay? Check out this helpful resource from Vanderbilt’s Writing Studio.
Speer Writing Center
Evans Student Center
(across from Chick-fil-A)
P: (870) 245-5301
Answered only during working hours
The Speer Writing Center offers in-person sessions at 7 PM, 7:45 PM, and 8:30 PM Monday-Thursday. Online sessions are spread throughout the week; email for specific times.